Donor Marketing Strategy - How Will They Know?

You need a researched and testable strategy before you spend money trying to reach your target donors

Service Description

Before you build a website, buy a Google ad, or send a fundraising letter, you must have a strategy. How will your target donors know you exist? How will you inspire them? Assumptions are your enemy. Every year, thousands of nonprofits fail because they assume something that worked before will work now.

Our consultant will help you develop a researched and testable strategy built around your target donors, and which fits your budget. This strategy will include considerations for the best channels to reach your target donors.

DeliverableAt the end of this consulting, you will have a strategy outline you can put into action right away. This outline will become your guide in choosing methods, such as advertising, letters, and events, to attract your target donors. The amount of detail they will address for your strategy will be time-permitting based on the size and donor-reach of your organization.

A mission and or vision statement
A definition of your target donors

Price includes, initial consultation, research and analysis, and meeting to present the recommendations
Consultant Eric DeGrove

Eric’s experience and education spans several industries and continents. Though he has spent most of his More

career serving the nonprofit sector, he has also founded four companies.

Eric started his career in marketing analytics while pursuing graduate work in Sociology. His passion for helping others soon propelled him to pursue education at Dallas Theological Seminary where he also worked in Information Technology. After serving a nonprofit in Singapore, he worked in social research before venturing into entrepreneurship.

Along with his extensive experience in IT and software development, Eric is an expert in marketing strategy. He has seen success both in nonprofit fundraising and bringing products and services to market. As a web designer and software developer, he has helped many companies and nonprofits increase their donations and sales through refined messaging.

Eric holds a Master of Theology from Dallas Theological Seminary. He has also completed graduate work in and a B.A. in Sociology from the University of North Texas. He resides in Colorado Springs, CO with his wife and three children. In his free time he enjoys playing music (jazz), carpentry, and watching football and basketball.

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